Angelyn Treutel Zeringue
Angelyn Treutel Zeringue is a prolific public speaker on technology, insurance, and business issues. She will be a guest speaker at our June 19th luncheon, CEO Circle.
Dawn Lieck
Dawn Lieck is transforming lives of tenacious women who desire to thrive in self-discovery and development. She is intentional about impacting women’s lifestyles with providing them the tools to pursue their inner most dreams emotionally, physically and mentally.
Sonya Ashley
Sonya has a heart for service, and she is passionate about working with youth, and giving back to her community as she knows that she stands on the shoulders of so many.
Yolanda Jerry
Dr. Yolanda Jerry is a retired Air Force veteran, speaker, author, life coach, and entrepreneur. She is our featured Lighthouse BPW Member.